Thursday 3 October 2013

Double Page Spread Deconstructions.

I chose to evaluate this double page spread because I like set up of the interview is interesting how the triangle in the centre is made superior by the text been positioned around it. this also makes the pulled quote stand out more. On this double page spread the images isn't a long shot which is popular with DPS, however this image is effective because Jared is facing the text which not only draws the audience to the text but also makes it more intense has Jared expression is very serious. the small use of red in this double page spread is effective because it is positioned apart so it his clumped in one spot, however it links all the page together. the mast head and strap line are in a skinny font which makes the page more streamline and not over crowded, this would be the case if it was bold and strapped across the top of the page. this Double Page Spread is a interview so the page is set out by distinguishing the questions from the answers, this is made apparent by making the question bold and the rest for the writing in the original form. The writing on the DPS is only on one page which is where I have taken inspiration from for my magazine. The interview on this DPS is a informal interview as its a friendly iterview but there is still information and gossip coming from it, this is what I wanted mine to be like as I didnt want it to be to serious and over baring on the person I was interviewing.

This double page spread is very monochrome in the sense that only 2/3 colours are really used on the pages, this DPS is well set out and I plan to use this for inspiration on my own DPS. The head mast on this DPS is in two different fonts, therefore the name of the artist is contrasting with the information given with it. "Jessie J" is wrote in a fancy femini looking font which represent Jessie J as she is a female. Also "Superstar Rising" is wrote in another colour which makes it contrast in more ways than one,by choosing to write this in a orange font it ties in well with the lip colour of Jessie J therefore it is including the image, by doing this the image doesnt look out of place, it lookes partof the DPS, this is what i plan to do for my DPS as I want the two pages to flow and blend together, and I want it to be well planned to avoid any problems in the process of makign it all look as one. Furthermore the questions and answers contrast to make it evident to the audience that it is an interview and to what is the questions and what is the answers. The questions are wrote in the orange colour and are also bold, this way they stand out but also tie in with the mast head and photo.

I chose to write about this DPS because of the lack of colour on the two pages. for my original idea I wanted to do something similar, but after looking through many covers I decided against it, this is why I changed my idea. Although this DPS uses a small ammount of colour which is a beige colour to emphasize certain words. The image in the DPS is also showing some of the background which is a church, the model however isnt really doing a serious pose which makes it less intimidating and gothic looking, which is what the article is about. this article was a interview but the questions and answers didnt contrast that well therefore the reader doesnt immedietly know whatto expect when first looking at the pages. the fonts used are effective as "AMERICAN" is wrote in a very patriotic style font as it is serious and formal, where as the "GOTHIC" is wrote in a messy informal writing which contrast well together, baring in mind the colours also contrast the two words. The image on this DPS takes up a page and a half therefore there isnt much room for writing but it makes the image large enough for the audience to really evaluate and view it properly, my personl preference would be something similar to this but maybe with a bit more writing as the writing it only 2/3 paragraphs longs, depending on the style of the article though this is not enough and I will not be writing this little in my own DPS.

1 comment:

  1. Well done you have related this post back to your own product
