Monday 14 October 2013

Flat Plans For My Magazine.

When coming up with a design for my magazine I decided to look through other magazines and choose what kind of layout,colours, pictures and text I want to use on y final magazine. However many magazines were very colourful and bold and a bit to over crowded, this isn't what I wanted for my magazine so I decided that I was going to come up with a plan that was simple but effective, this is what I came up with.


COLOUR USAGE: On the front page of my magazine I wanted there to be a selection of colours which I feel work together and will suite the type of music and the genre of my magazine. However after receiving my survey results it was very evident that people wanted to see "vibrant colours", which really supplied me with a problem as I wasn't too keen on this idea. Although I love the idea of having a vibrant looking magazine I feel like this is very stereotypical of magazines about these days, based on my research I have decided on using a selection of 4 colours which I love working with, and I think will help me present a well put together magazine and will work well together, these colours are black, white, grey and red.

IMAGE USAGE: When choosing an image for the front of the magazine I think that this has to be a very well thought out process as this is what will be drawing the audience towards this magazine, apposed to all the other music magazines out there. After taking this into careful consideration i think a black and white image will work extremely well with my theme colours but will also had sophistication to the magazine. Preferably I would love to have an image of the chosen group/singer represented by a model on the front of the magazine with a plain background, also I would love the shot to be at a distant where the pictures only show the model from the waist up. Furthermore I would also like the picture to face towards the audience, and I would like it to be the main focus as I would like it to overlap the strap line or head mast and i would like the sub heads to be positioned around the images to exaggerate it even more.

TEXT USAGE: I would very much like to design a logo for the magazine so that the name didn't have to be on every page, but it could be represented using a small, however I would also like to use a informal sense of language in the text to make the magazine more approachable. I would like the text to be mostly positioned on the left hand side of the page. I don't want to much text on the page as I want the main focus to be the image.

LAYOUT & FONT: I would like to use a modern font which really goes with the magazine, which is why I would like to experiment with many other fonts before making my mind up however I have my favourite fonts for example "TREBUCHET" , "FRANCIS SANS" and "BERNARD MT CONDENSED". I would like to have the setting of the writing straight and not angles and layered so its not to box like.


COLOUR USAGE: Similar to the front cover I want the colour scheme to carry on through my magazine. Furthermore the colours ill be the same on this page. I plan on using the colours effectively so that they look well put together and not too boring. I will use the colours very carefully when I place the page numbers on top of the images so that they stand out well and don't blend in with the images, by doing this they will hopefully contrast so the audience can see them. The text will also contrast to distinguish the difference between the sub heads and the description.

IMAGE USAGE: The images on the page will be paired with a sub head and description. By doing this I feel that by ding this the audience will get a better understanding of the stories and a visual preview of each topic available inside my magazine. I would like a variety of different images on the page also, I think this will be more appropriate considering this is what I like in a magazine and I want this magazine to be a representation of me.

TEXT USAGE: The text usage on this page I want to be limited as I feel that I would be more interested in the images and I don't want to read too much when the full story is further on in the magazine. Furthermore I think That by placing a small description underneath each topic will inform the reader but hopefully will leave them wanting more. I would like the writing to be in a larger style font, which is unpopular in other magazines, but I don't want it to be too over powering as I find too much text on a page unattractive.

LAYOUT & FONT: I want the layout to be very precise and not messy at all, I think that this will have a good effect on the audience as it will be well presented and easy to find what they are looking for as each section will have its own place. However I think that by  having a number of images they will be the main focus and i want them all to be positioned together and all to the right side, however I want all the writing to be on the left side and some under the images, this will be where the plus section will be hopefully. The font used will be a typical font as I don't want a fancy style text on the page because I want the magazine to be very smart and good to look at, by choosing the decision not to use a fancy style font I think will prevent the audience having to try hard to read it, therefore I have made it easier for the reader.


OVER VIEW OF WHATS GOING TO BE ON THIS PAGE: On this page I plan to design and interview with someone, therefore the topic is an interview, this is why there is various captions and text dotted around, the captions are the questions and the text is the celebrities answer, obviously this interview is made up, I DID NOT INTERVIEW THE CELEBRITY.

COLOUR USAGE: On this double page spread I want there to be very little colour used, this is why I have chosen a very simple colour scheme which is going to be consistently used throughout my magazine. The colours I plan on using will be distributed around the page. I plan on using the red for the question and page number and possible other small parts on the magazine, the background will either be white or grey with the text been black. however this may change depending on the image used.

IMAGE USAGE: I only plan on using one image on this page, this is because I don't want it to be too over crowded. I want the image to be black and white, I also what the person to be a female, she will be hopefully wearing heavy makeup and I want it to be full body shot from a long distant, I want her to be facing away from the camera and posing, this is what I imagine the image to look like.

TEXT USAGE: The text on this page will be written in an interview style, I want the audience to feel like they are in the room and listening to the interview, I plan on describing whats happening. As I'm a English student I will use some techniques to draw in the reader. the font wont be too big as I don't want the writing to look unprofessional. 

LAYOUT & FONT: The layout yet again will be very well presented, over lapping will occur as I like the effect it has. I think the layout i have created will look effective once the text and image will be placed properly. I think this is a typical set out double page spread and is common among other magazines. the font will be a professional looking font, however this may differentiate between the captions headline and the text.

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