Tuesday 1 October 2013

Idea For My Magazine Design.

I have been asked to design a magazine for the age group of 16-19 year old boys and girls. This magazine has to be a music magazine. I was asked to create this magazine completely on my own without any other images or text from the internet or other magazines, this way the magazine is completely original and my own work. Furthermore I am going to design and create a magazine, which involves a front cover, contents page and a double page spread.  I want my magazine to appeal to both genders therefore I had to take this into consideration when designing the magazine and the topic that would be present within it.

The front cover is the first thing that the audience will see, therefore I have to come up with a color scheme, which will draw the reader and entice them to buy this product. On the front cover the stories and images have to really stand out to the audience so that they will choose to buy this magazine over all the other music magazines out there. Due to my own personal taste I want to create a magazine that I would buy and which would interest me. Therefore it is up to me to choose images and text that will draw people my age to it. I hope to do this by making the masthead bold and easy to see, I plan to use a white color mast head with a black outline, this will contrast with the background which I hope to be a black and white image. I chose to do it in black and white as I don’t want any colors clashing together and making my front cover looking messy and unprofessional. For the image I want to photograph my best friend, I want her to look alternative and not the average teenage girl, this is why I want to give her heavy makeup and I want her to be facing away from the camera, slightly off to the side. I want the image to be a shoulder shot this way it would be ok for her to have no top on and bare skin for the upper top half of her body. I want the model to be a inspired look from the type of music I am hoping to write about in my magazine which is roc type music. Therefore she will be represented in a dark over the top way. However based on the articles I have chosen I may have to use a male models who fits in with the main article, in this case it will be a natural shot, he will be wearing sunglasses and a black top/leather jacket. On the side of the page this is where my sub heads and cover stories will appear, therefore I want them to stand out, I hope to do this my adding a red rectangular shape for behind the subheads which will be in a bold white writing, by doing this I am not only add the red but I am emphasizes the importance and higher authority than other parts of the front cover. I also plan on adding banners to the top and bottom of the page; these banners will hold further information such as competitions or more information about the magazine. The front cover will also involves a barcode, price, date, issue number and straplines.

In the contents page I want a list of articles/topics to be on the left side, however I don’t want to go into to much information about them as I feel that it is the audience’s job to read on and find out more about the topics they want to read about. I want a variety of topics available inside the magazine, such as real life stories (which will have a link into the music I’m writing about) and celebrity gossip. I will do this by linking the stories together using the music genre. Also by doing this I will appeal to the audience as they can read about real life stories which will inform them about what could happen in real life.
I plan to include articles such as;
  • JARED LETO speaks out about his trouble within the band.
  • BON JOVI make a return to music industry
  •  “I wanted to meet them before I died”-story about a terminally ill teenager who’s dream was to meet BON JOVI”
  • Why concerts are so popular and how the effect people
  • Which concerts are coming up in 2014
  •  Ways to meet your idols
  • CAUTION expands its music genre into other types of music
  •  Win concert tickets to a band of you choice in 2014
  •  Celebrity profiles

I want the main article in this magazine to be about BON JOVI who will be making a return to the music industry. This article will be an interview with BON JOVI’S front man, he will be talking about his return to the industry and why they chose to make a return so late on in there lives. I plan to make this article very informative to the fans of BON JOVI and other audiences. On the page I plan to present the interview in a questionnaire type way as the question then answer will be grouped together and in alternative colors to distinguish the question and the celebrities answer. I plan on using only one image and this will be the image of the model representing the front man of the band. However I want want this image to be the same as the front cover as I want this to be a full bod shot and I want him to be leaning against the wall looking cool and laid back. This image will also be in black and white however ideally I would like to use Photoshop to edit parts of the image to have part off red included within the image. I suspect that the target audience will be fans of BON JOVI and will want to learn more about their come back. However I want it to be more informal so that the reader could learn about BON JOVI and so that they feel like they are talking to him themselves. However I don’t want to include unnecessary question as I feel like the audience wont like this and may find it inappropriate as the interview is with a well know celebrity. I would like to think that the audience in there free time were very sociable, this way they could talk about the article with their friends and talk about it and be entertained by the article, I would also like them to be the type of people that love listening to music and have pictures and poster of the artists about their personal space and spoke about the bands with follow fans of the bands included in this magazine.

To conclude I have made all these choices as I feel like my own personal opinion was very important as this magazine is a representation of me and the type of music I like, I designed this music base on what I like in a magazine and what would make me buy it. I think that I have chosen this color scheme, as the lack of color in the images will be emphasized using Photoshop and editing skills. Also I think that these choices will pay off as I think they will be very effective and will receive positive feedback as the colors work well together and are very easy to distribute around the magazine. I have chosen to write about this article as I think it would be interesting to many audiences as BON JOVI are a very well know band and their comeback will not only appeal to teenagers who enjoy the music but to the older generation who grew up listening to this music. This way the teenagers could read about their bands and BON JOVI and socialize with there parents as they will hopefully know who BON JOVI are.
Please see "IDEA CHANGE" and why I no longer wish to design my magazine the way I have previously talked about, further explaination is available in THIS BLOG POST.

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