Wednesday 27 November 2013

Progress On My Front Cover - So Far

Before completing the front cover I decided to play around with different colours as I wanted the colour scheme to be vibrant "DANCE" orientated colours, however after experimenting this front cover below was the best option as it looked more professional and suited the image and mast head the best as the vibrant colours made the magazine look to young, and not the type of theme i overall wanted for the magazine.

This week I made a lot of progress on my front cover. As I only had the image and only edited it a small amount, therefore I had a lot of work to do. I started by finishing the editing on the photo, I done this by removing the background, brightening the image and highlighting certain parts for example her eyes and the necklace. this way I could proceed onto the rest of the attributes a front cover requires.

When editing and putting together the front cover I found that I was spending a lot of time trying to make the main sell line stand out, I eventually got the effect that I wanted and made it stand out as much as I can without making it look to over baring on the magazine front cover.

When I completed the front cover I thought that I had done a very good job, considering I had only just learned how to use photoshop. putting this aside I think that the magazine cover looks quite professional and I am proud for this magazine cover to be a representation of me.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Photographic Techniques.

  • Shot distance
  • Use of tilt
  • Shot composition
  • Eye line
  • Tone
  • Line
  • Colour, including vivid, primary and monochromatic colour
  • Texture and hints on creating texture
  • Patterns and hints on capturing patterns


ELS/LS- Good for showing the insignificance or character or for showing the characters as powerless within and overpowering environment. Also good for establishing location.

MLS/MS- Good for showing movement or for a balanced tracking of character and their environment.

MCU/CU- Good for portraiture or for moving image interviews.

BCU/ECU- Good for showing the significance of character or for showing characters as powerful. Also highly useful drawing attention to characters emotions. 


Tilt up shot (low angle)- used to convey power or dominance.

Tilt down shot (high angle)- used to convey vulnerability or weakness of a person in shot and to demonstrate dominance of point of view.


Control of tones, including variations of light and dark, emphasizing important parts of the image, and colour, generally set the “mood” of your photograph.

Tone of control can be used to emphasize the shapes of the most important elements in your image.


You need to think very carefully about how you compose a photograph.

Many photographers place their subject in the middle of the photograph, which can often result in a dull image.

Use of off center composition can create a focal point .


When designing a shot remember to keep in mind both the action in foreground and the background.


Keep the RULE OF THIRDS in mind when designing your shot. The viewer’s eye is drawn to the cross-sections of a frame; this is where your action should be taking place.


Lines are useful for emphasising and leading the viewer towards a main area or subject.

They may also divide up the picture pace into segments, which may vary in size and shape. The shape of lines and their general pattern can strongly influence the mood of the photograph.

You can easily control the appearance of lines in your pictures by camera viewpoint.


Taking control of the way in which colour is used in your photos is a key way of improving your images.

Keep eyes open for vibrant coloured subjects, but also look for delicate colour subjects and ones with muted tones.

Colour sells- bright, bold colors are used on magazine covers so choose or plan the slots that you will take when producing your magazine cover.


Most of the time when we are taking photographs e think about the subject but there is another way of approaching picture-taking, which involves thinking beyond the subject and looking at it in terms of textures and patterns.

Photography is especially effective at conveying the impression of texture. This is a quality, which can be extremely powerful close-up.

Direction, height and the quality of lighting make a big difference to the appearance of textures.

After looking at all of these shots i have decided on a range of shots i would like to use for my own magazine. for example close ups and mid shots. I have also decided to use the tones to emphasise part of my models outfit and accessories. I have decided to use lack of colour in my models clothes so it wouldn't clash with the conventions of my magazine front cover, for example to mast head and the sell lines.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Arranging to meet the model.

I text my friend asking her about modelling for my magazine, She was happy with the arangements and agreed on the time I suggested.

Monday 11 November 2013

Costume, Hair, Makeup & Model Ideas.

Before taking the pictures for my magazine I wanted to do some research into costume ideas. I took inspiration from tumblr, As some of the models on the social networking site have the appearance and clothes which I would like to have in my magazine. The style I want is a Grunge style as I want my model to be alternatively looking, I will do this by dressing her in leather clothing and loads of different types of jewellery.

As my model has blonde hair I looked for inspiration to suit this hair colour, however as the styling for the shoot is in a certain style I wanted the hair to be very plain and simple, this is why I think it will be better if my model just has long wavy hair, I plan to use her extension to get this effect, this way they hair will be long and i can style it the way I want.

I wanted the makeup to match the whole look, this is why I chose to look for makeup which had bold eye makeup paired with either a nude lip or a bold lip, however I think after looking through the makeup and taking my model into consideration i have decided to use a nude lip, just because I don't want it to be too over the top. I took most my inspiration from Taylor Momsen as she wears the type of makeup that I want for my photos.

My friend Melissa has the type of style that I want to apply to my magazine shoot, as she wears the makeup, hair and clothes of the style I want for m magazine. I will use her and her photos as inspiration for my model that I am using.

For my model I chose to ask my best friend Rebecca, I chose her because I feel confident that she will be able to pull of the hair, makeup and clothes that I have chose to represent on my magazine. I will style her the way I want, and I will take the photos.

When styling her I will make these changes;

Friday 8 November 2013

Looking At Previous Students Work.

What did I do?
As part of my research and planning I looked over the students work from the year before me, by doing this I would hopefully get a better idea of what I want to do in terms of setting out my magazine and how I would want it to look from another persons point of view. I looked over and reviewed 5 other students magazines. When looking at each magazine I was asked to identify its strengths, weaknesses, the grade I would of awarded the piece of work and the reason why.

My review of the students work.
When identifying the strengths I found that I was complimenting the magazines variation of fonts, and text sizes, which I think might be helpful when I design my magazine as I want the page to have a mixture of sizes, to avoid the page looking flat and boring. As well as the variation of fonts and sizes I noticed that the models positions on each front cover really set the whole front page off, this is because it was the first thing I would look at, therefore I know now that my image needs to be acceptable. When identifying weaknesses I tried to be as fair as possible and take into consideration the designers view of how they would of wanted the magazine to look, and I carefully picked out elements of the magazine that would need improving just to make the magazine look more dynamic and well put together. A common problem I found was that there was spelling and grammar mistakes, this is why I need to be extremely careful and look over my work numerous time to prevent this happening. Another common weakness was there was too much writing on some of the double page spreads which caused the page to look cramped and over crowded which I feel put me off reading the articles as they looked far to big and would take a long time to read.When I gave each magazine a grade I looked at the marking scheme and tried my best to fit each work to the grade that I thought the piece of work was worthy of, therefore 2 out of 5 received a grade D, because they had too many spelling mistakes, the images weren't very well edited, the contents pages were messy and didn't include the typical contents page conventions. I gave another 2 out of 5 a grade C because they their articles were good but there was some spelling mistakes and the editing of each images was very poor. The final piece of work received a grade B because the amount of colors and images was very good however the photos weren't edited very well.

What have I learnt?
By looking at other students work I have learnt ways I can use different fonts and text sizes to improve the appearance of my magazine. I also learnt how to use different types of images for example posed images and more natural/casual looking images of my model. By having a variation I can use more casual images in my double page spread and contents page and then have a more posed image on the front cover. I've also being given an idea of how I want my work to be set out and how I don't want it to be set out based on the other students work I now have an idea of what looks good and what doesn't. After looking at one of the students work I also learnt that too much writing on a double page spread just looks far too messy and over crowded, which is not what I  want, I want my magazines to look very simple and easy to ready, and not too frightening to the reader as I feel like too much text can be slightly intimidating to the audience as its overwhelming.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Colour Scheme.

This is the colour scheme that I have chosen, although the black white and grey aren't particularly appealing I think that they will help make the vibrant neon colours stand out more, they will also compliment them. I think the yellow, blue and pink represent the dance genre well as they are fun vibrant colours.

I plan on picking out parts of the magazines contents page, DPS and front cover with these colours and using these colours to arrange them, and make it all tie into one.

Font Ideas.

I was asked to go onto "DAFONT.COM" to search for font ideas for my magazine, here are some fonts I have picked out for my mast head;

I chose this font because i think thats it is quite traditional but also is a font which will draw the reader to the magazine, if I was to use this font I would make it bolder and longer so it would stretch across the top of the front cover, however i think that this font doesn't really relate to DANCE music, this is why I would be most likely to chose another more basic font which is edgy but ties in with the music genre I have chosen.

I chose this font because i like he way thats the font has a futuristic feel to it, which i think ties in with DANCE music very well. this font I would make larger and stretched, I wouldn't make it any bolder because the font itself is quite bold, This for me could be one of the negatives of this font, because I think it might be too bold for my magazine and what i want to present to the audience.

I really like this font because I think it is something that you wouldn't typically see on a magazine. I think if i used this font i would change the colour inside the outline, by doing this I could tie the writing into the image I plan to use for my front cover. However if i did you this font it would need to be bigger, and longer to fit across the  top of the front cover. Unfortunately I don't think that this will represent the DANCE genre very well.

For this font I think it is a good representative of DANCE music as it is very out there and bold, I like the way there is different sized lines so the font doesn't look too over powering, if I was going to use this font I would again make it larger and longer, A negative about this font would be that it might look distorted and pixelated when I edit it to fit the page, and when I change it to look how I want it to look to able it to be on the front cover of my magazine.

This font is very similar to the one above as it has the same characteristics, for example the line size variety. I think that this font would be a great representative of DANCE music as it also has a futuristic feel. if i used this font I would make it larger and longer to fit the top of the front cover, I don't think there is anything wrong with this font therefore it will be a great candidate for the font of my mast head.

I was then asked to search for fonts which I would like to used for my sell lines, these were the options I have given myself;

This font I think is very well presented in itself, I could improve this by adding a contrasting background behind it to make the sell lines more outstanding, however I think that the letters aren't as defined as I would like as I want it to seem more edgy and more suited to the DANCE genre criteria. when putting it on the front cover I would make it smaller so that it wasn't too over powering, this way it would make the head mast and image more superior.

This font is very similar to the one above, however I think that this is more defined and edgy, this way it is more suited to the DANCE music genre. I think that this font will tie in well with the magazine and its contents that I plan to add on a later date. When putting this font on my front cover I will also make it smaller and more compressed as I want it to stand out but to also compliment the mast head.

This font is more futuristic so ties in well with the music i'm writing about. I feel that this font is more edgy therefore will accompany the font for the mast head very well,  by changing the colour and adding a banner behind it I feel that it will compliment it very well, and wont be too distracting, as I want the main focus to be the image and mast head.


I then wanted to see if the two fonts tie in well together as I don't want them to clash on the front cover;

I feel that they don't class at all and do compliment each others features. after reviewing them both together I feel that these font will be more suited to my magazine and represent the DANCE music genre very well, as they are futuristic feeling and are edgy, which is what I wanted.

Friday 25 October 2013

My Own Personal Music Tastes

"I like the way that other types of music can make people dance, however I've chose to represent my own interpretation of dance, this includes the types of music that I like to "dance" to. This includes various DJ's, ARTISTS and BANDS."
I think by including music tastes I like it may appeal to other audiences and the target audience of my magazine, due to the similarity in age and that the artists I have chosen are quite well known and are popular in todays modern society.





Thursday 24 October 2013

Preliminary Task- College Magazine.

When taking the photos for my college magazine I knew that they had to all have the same semantic field, which was college, by doing this the magazine would appeal to students and would make it more suited to the tasks criteria.
I chose the photos I used in my magazine because I thought they went well with the sell lines and the front cover image was suited, as it was a student. I also used images which were taken all aroun the college of various components of a students enviroment for example the common room, the cantine, other students and the equipment that they require.
I came up with the name Ed'you'cate when thinking of a title for my magazine, I think that this is a fun way of showing that it is a college magazine and its helpful to the reader.
What the front cover looks like;
Whats on it;
When designing the front cover I knew that the best colour to use would of been blue to tie in with the model's shirt, therefore I used two different shades of blue to help tie the whole thing together. I added various sell lines to make the front cover look more interesting and informative, for example I added in information about other students life and helpful tips such as how to deal with the stress of being a student. I also added other conventions of a front cover such as the barcode, the price, the date it was issued, and another image to just make the front cover look more appealing. I also included two straplines which I think makes the magazine look more presentable, The top strapline is a bit of a slogan as its a bit of extra information on what the magazine is about, the bottom strapline however includes more information about what is inside the magazine for example more hints and tips for a student on how they can use there student card effectively and wisely. i also added a sticker effect to claim that this magazine in particular had won 'Favourite student mag of the year' this way it is a bit of self promotion as it is making the magazine look more reliable and helpful. Finally I added the Facebook and Twitter logo and added in made up user names so the magazine would be more suited to the target audience as the user is most likely to be part of a social networking site.
My lecturer marked my work then gave me feedback on the positives and improvements, if any was needed.
In my feedback I was told that she loved the name of the magazine because it was unique, she also went on to saying that I selected an appropriate image and that it had a good eyeline view for the audience. She then went on to saying that i clearly understand the conventions of a magazine and the layout.She also said that my sell lines were appropriate to the target audience.
I then recieved feedback for areas of improvement these were that i could of used a 3rd colour to help the college magazine front cover work together more, she suggested that I could use a red, which also ties in with his shirt.
What the contents page looks like;
What's on it;
This contents page includes many images which are all appropriate for the target audience which was college students. It includes 9 sell lines and page numbers to help the user find where the article/activity is and on what page. The title was then added using an old school font which was then edited to have a glowing effect, this way it stands out more and ties in with the elements of green which appear in some of the photos below it. I made a small collage of images around the contents page to make it look more fun and appealing I did this by inserting different image sizes and shapes, and fitting them all together so they would create the effect that they curve around the page and frame the text which was positioned on the top left hand side, with one more prominant sell line which includes information about the college which I go to and some exciting news about new computers which would entice the audience.
The feedback I recieved was very similar to the front cover, in terms that the images were appropriate and the sell lines appealed to the target audience.
However to improve the contents page it was suggested that i need to anchor all the images to a page numebr so its more clearer to the audience where everything is and what the image is about.





In june 2013 I went to see DAVID GUETTA and RIHANNA live at the stadium. I must say this was one of the best nights I've ever had. David Guetta was an amazing experience as he mixed popular songs and got everyone dancing, the atmopshere was amazing and really played a big part in the sucess of the night. His type of music is a perfect example for what i would liek to include in my magazine as I love his songs and his collaborations with various artists.

This image was taken by me, this is where I was stood listening to David Guetta. The way David Guetta got every one dancing and involved them frequently by muting the music so the audience could sing back to him. He also interacted with with the audience by signaling hearts to the audience, blowing kisses, directing us to wave in certain directions, telling us to "PUT YOUR F*CKING HANDS UP" and to "JUMP".

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Quantative Research.

As part of my research I was asked to create a questionnaire, I created 13 copies of this questionnaire which had 10 questions. I then handed this out to family and friends and asked them to fill it out, by doing this I could receive feedback and an opinion from people with different tastes and music likings to me.


The results were expected as I knew that "VIBRANT COLOURS" would be the popular option, however one person picked "BLACK AND WHITE", and no one picked "NEUTRAL COLOURS" which I was worried about as I didn't want to use vibrant colours and I would like to have the BLACK, WHITE and RED colour scheme in my magazine.


It was very obvious that everyone would pick "LARGE FONT", I think this is because that everyone these days is used to seeing large fonts on magazines in shops, however I agree with this decision to make the mast head very large and outstanding. By my research confirming this decision I feel confident that people will like the MAST HEADS'S appearance on my magazine.


There was a range of different images listed on this question, mainly because the question was a open question, therefore the people could answer anything they wanted, some of the answers included;

  • FOOD
After receiving these answers I knew that choosing to represent a celebrities using a model would be a good idea as this is what people would prefer to see on a magazine.


Expectedly no one would pay below £1.00, this isn't really surprising as there isn't many magazines which are below this price margin. The majority of people said that they pay between £1.00-£3.00 which is the average price of a magazine these days, however a small amount chose the £3.00+. Based on this is would aim to price my magazine around £1.50-£2.50.


When people answered this question it was evident that the majority of them bought their magazines monthly, however this outcome is like this because many of the magazines that were bought only came out each month, therefore this leaves the buyers only buying them once a monthly. Furthermore weekly wasn't that common and fortnightly was n the middle, having taken this into account i have decided to make my magazines a magazine which is available monthly to the audience/buyers.


For the question I received a huge variety of answers, as my audience varied from different friends groups who have different music/lifestyle tastes therefore this was expected. When reviewing the research there was only a couple of answers which were the same therefore I had 9 different answers these included;

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Chart
  • Punk
  • Hardcore Metal
  • House
  • R&B
  • Dance
  • Retro
The most popular answer was pop and dance music therefore I took this into consideration and this swayed my decision to choose this type of music instead of the original idea i had of writing about the rock band BON JOVI. I have now decided to base my magazine on my own twist on dance music.

When reciving answers for this i expected to revieve a huge variety as people ahve many different tastes, hwoever there was only 5 options to chose fromas i though this restricted the asnwers and would help me more. As expected many people enjoy reading about POP music the most as this is the mort popular type of music about these days due to the various chart shows and radio channels. after reading this i thought that DANCE music should of been a option therefore I would of got an idea of what the audience would of gone for, however this was before I finally made my mind up about my magazine and its contents, this will help me alot as i know that the genre i have chosen is very similar to the most popular option, therefore i will continue to design my magazine around that genre.

Friday 18 October 2013

Institutional Research.

I was asked to look for information about different institutions as part of my magazine design research, I was given a list and I had to find out about the different institutions and what type of publications they produced. We had to do this to find out which type of institution we think will want to produce my magazine and advertise it to the public. This is what I came up with;


"Our purpose is to connect professional communities and inspire them to know, to grow, progress and win.  Brands such as HSJ and Retail Week create deep relationships and unparalleled reach, to increase value for our customers. We deliver this through senior networking events; industry leading awards; online data products; social media communities; headline conferences and, of course, critical insight, news and analysis. We hear the market agenda, and create innovative solutions and better ways for our advertisers and sponsors to connect with their audience. We provide highly valued subscription services and are rewarded by a following." 

EMAP publish and advertise certain brands, these brands were then section into groups such as;
  • Retail
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Health
  • Goverment
  • Environment
  • Construction & Engineering
  • Architecture 
EMAP also publish up to 20 magazines which are presented in their current portfolio, these magazines include;
  • Architects Journal
  • Architectural Review
  • Broadcast
  • Construction News
  • Drapers
  • Health Service Journal
  • Local Government Chronicle
  • Materials Recycling Week
  • Nursing Times
  • Retail Week
  • Recycling & Waster Management
  • Screen International

However they produced magazines which are no longer in their portfolio such as PC Leisure, The One and The Face.


"Condé Nast is a division of Advance Publications, It is a magazine publisher. In the U.S. It produces 18 consumer magazines.Condé Nast is largely considered to be the originator of the “lifestyle magazines” a type of magazines focused on a particular class or interest instead of targeting the largest possible readership. Its magazines focus on a wide range of subjects, including travel, food, home, culture, and other interests, with fashion the larger portion of the company's focus. More recently, Condé Nast has expanded its offerings to include marketing services and consumer-focused products such as apps and licensed merchandise."

Condé Nast produce numerous magazines these include;

Fashion and lifestyle

  • Vogue
  • W
  • Glamour
  • Allure
  • Self
  • Teen Vogue
  • GQ
  • Details
  • Lucky
  • Bon Appétit
  • Epicurious
  • Gourmet Live

There is also many more, they are sorted into groups such as Travel, Gold, Culture, Golf, Bridal etc.


"Nat Mags (short for National Magazine Company) was a British magazine publisher based in London. It was established in 1910 by William Randolph Hearst and was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hearst Corporation." 

"Nat Mags expanded into digital media"

"Nat Mags soon launched its digital arm Hearst Digital to act as an umbrella for Handbag and its other web acquisition, Net Doctor.

Nat Mags merged with Hachette Filipacchi Médias UK in 2011 to form Hearst Magazines UK."

Nat Mags produced many magazines such as;

  • Best
  • Coast
  • Company
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Cosmopolitan Bride
  • Country Living
  • Esquire
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Harper's Bazaar
  • House Beautiful
  • Men’s Health (UK only)
  • Prima
  • Prima Baby
  • Real People
  • Reveal
  • Runner's World (UK only)
  • She
  • You & Your Wedding
  • Zest magazine


"IPC Media Ltd (formerly International Publishing Corporation), a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Inc., is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year."

"PC then set up a management development department in 1965, to rationalise its holdings, so that its various subsidiaries would no longer be in competition with each other for the same markets"

'In April 2012 IPC Media scooped an award for Best Production Team of the Year at the Professional Publishers Association Production and Environment Awards 2012."

IPC have many magazines as companies with their name within the making of these publications, these publications include;

If you didn't notice, then I'll point out now that NME was part of the list. This is a well known music magazine, this is why its important that I take this institution into consideration, as NME is very well known and is very successful.


"Future plc is a media company; in 2006, it was the sixth-largest in the United Kingdom. It publishes more than 150 magazines in fields such as video games, technology, automotive, cycling, films and photography. Future is the official magazine company of all three major games console manufacturers. It is a constituent of the FTSE Fledgling Index. The company also owns the US company, Future US."
"In January 2012, Future sold its U.S. music-media brands, including Guitar World and Revolver magazines to New Bay Media LLC for $3 million. In April 2013, it completed the sale of major components of its U.K. media-music brands for ₤10.2 million to Team Rock Ltd. "


  • Guitarist
  • Guitar Techniques
  • Total Guitar
  • Rhythm
  • Future Music
  • Computer Music
  • Total Film
  • SFX
  • SFX Presents
  • Comic Heroes
Magazines/Digital Editions:
  • Mac|Life
  • MacFormat
  • Maximum PC
  • PC Format
  • Windows 7: Help & Advice
  • Windows 8: The Official Magazine
  • Linux Format


"Bauer brands include women's weekly and TV listings magazines; namely Bella, Take a Break, that's life! TVChoice and Total TVGuide as well as a number of puzzle magazines"

"Bauer Media Group is a multinational media company headquartered in HamburgGermany which operates in 16 countries worldwide. Since the company was founded in 1875, it has been privately owned and under management by the Bauer family. It was formerly called Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG, abbreviated to HBV and usually shortened to H. Bauer."


"Kerrang! is a brand that specialises in Rock Music. It originally began as a magazine and in 2004 Kerrang Radio was launched. A Kerrang tv channel also exists and as of 2005, all of its programme content is music videos, the majority of which is open scheduled, for text requests from their playlist." 

KERRANG is also a music magazine that I have used in a lot of my research, I have also used it in annotations and deconstructions. I used it in my mood board, as I commented on the texture of the mast head.


"Q started out as a music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom. Founders Mark Ellen and David Hepworth felt the music press of the time ignored a generation of older music buyers who were buying CDs — then still a new technology — from artists such as Paul Simon, Level 42, and Dire Straits. Modeled after Rolling Stones."

Q magazine was also used a lot in my research as I like the genre of music it withholds but also because I like the layout and way the magazines draws audiences to buy it. I think that Q does this by its well known logo and its front cover images and head lines.

After looking through and researching about each institution I feel like BAUER publishing will be very much more suited to the type of magazine I'm designing. I think that BAUER will be interested in the genre of music I am writing about and making a magazine from, because the music is a very similar genre to Q and KERRANG magazines.
I think my choosing a similar institution to a magazine which is similar to mine would be ok based on the content difference, however it may also be a let down as there will be competition, furthermore I think by choosing these companies to represent my magazine it wouldn't effect the popularity of mine or any other magazines as they are different.