Wednesday 6 November 2013

Font Ideas.

I was asked to go onto "DAFONT.COM" to search for font ideas for my magazine, here are some fonts I have picked out for my mast head;

I chose this font because i think thats it is quite traditional but also is a font which will draw the reader to the magazine, if I was to use this font I would make it bolder and longer so it would stretch across the top of the front cover, however i think that this font doesn't really relate to DANCE music, this is why I would be most likely to chose another more basic font which is edgy but ties in with the music genre I have chosen.

I chose this font because i like he way thats the font has a futuristic feel to it, which i think ties in with DANCE music very well. this font I would make larger and stretched, I wouldn't make it any bolder because the font itself is quite bold, This for me could be one of the negatives of this font, because I think it might be too bold for my magazine and what i want to present to the audience.

I really like this font because I think it is something that you wouldn't typically see on a magazine. I think if i used this font i would change the colour inside the outline, by doing this I could tie the writing into the image I plan to use for my front cover. However if i did you this font it would need to be bigger, and longer to fit across the  top of the front cover. Unfortunately I don't think that this will represent the DANCE genre very well.

For this font I think it is a good representative of DANCE music as it is very out there and bold, I like the way there is different sized lines so the font doesn't look too over powering, if I was going to use this font I would again make it larger and longer, A negative about this font would be that it might look distorted and pixelated when I edit it to fit the page, and when I change it to look how I want it to look to able it to be on the front cover of my magazine.

This font is very similar to the one above as it has the same characteristics, for example the line size variety. I think that this font would be a great representative of DANCE music as it also has a futuristic feel. if i used this font I would make it larger and longer to fit the top of the front cover, I don't think there is anything wrong with this font therefore it will be a great candidate for the font of my mast head.

I was then asked to search for fonts which I would like to used for my sell lines, these were the options I have given myself;

This font I think is very well presented in itself, I could improve this by adding a contrasting background behind it to make the sell lines more outstanding, however I think that the letters aren't as defined as I would like as I want it to seem more edgy and more suited to the DANCE genre criteria. when putting it on the front cover I would make it smaller so that it wasn't too over powering, this way it would make the head mast and image more superior.

This font is very similar to the one above, however I think that this is more defined and edgy, this way it is more suited to the DANCE music genre. I think that this font will tie in well with the magazine and its contents that I plan to add on a later date. When putting this font on my front cover I will also make it smaller and more compressed as I want it to stand out but to also compliment the mast head.

This font is more futuristic so ties in well with the music i'm writing about. I feel that this font is more edgy therefore will accompany the font for the mast head very well,  by changing the colour and adding a banner behind it I feel that it will compliment it very well, and wont be too distracting, as I want the main focus to be the image and mast head.


I then wanted to see if the two fonts tie in well together as I don't want them to clash on the front cover;

I feel that they don't class at all and do compliment each others features. after reviewing them both together I feel that these font will be more suited to my magazine and represent the DANCE music genre very well, as they are futuristic feeling and are edgy, which is what I wanted.

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