Monday 6 January 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that the institution which is most likely to represent my magazine is BAUER media. this is because they produce magazines such as Kerrang and Q, these magazines anre bother very successful and feature similar styles of music to the king i wish to distribute. My magazine will be distrubuted in selected stores to allow the audience to purchase it in a numerous ammount of places, I also made a website where you can subscribe to the magazine and included an offer to entice the reader. An alternative could be IPC media as they represent very similar products, and they share common interests, for example the readers audience and the music genres. IPC media represent NME which is a very well known music magazine, this is what I tried to design my product around this.


Here I have placed my own contents page between two popular magazines, which are published by both by IPC media and BAUER.

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