Friday 14 February 2014

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my target audiences attention I added artist which are popular during 2013, these chosen artists are also very popular with the age group I selected. As the age group is the age where people start going to festivals and concerts on their own which is a milestone in someones life, I decided to use this as an advantage and to include it as a main aspect of my magazine. I done this by including various famous, popular dance artisits which is the main genre for my magazine, however I only named 3 acts which i think were the most popular and caused more of a commotion in 2013 due to the success each of these acts had.

I also enticed the audience by claiming to show 'EXCLUSIVE' images which are from the biggest and most popular concerts in the UK, which may appeal to some of the audience because they might of been to see the act or are a huge fan of them. By doing this I have used my ideal target audiences intrests to make the magazine more appealing to what I think they should like and will be interested in. By wording the sell line this way it makes it sound more exciting by using the superlative 'biggest' it makes it sound the best out of all the concerts in the UK, it also makes the magazine sound like it has access to these images so the magazine must have high authority in the media to recieve these images.

I also added in a bit of suspense to my front cover by claiming that the magazine is going to reveal headliners and supporting acts from a very popular festival in the UK, 'Leeds festival'. As I am part of the age group i have aimed my magazine at I added things on which I would want to read, therefore this is one of the biggest things that would make me want to buy a magazine, so I took that into consideration when thinking of interesting, enticing and important sell lines which appealed to my target audience but also that fitted into the genre of music I have based my music magazine about, which is dance. Leeds festival is very well known for the huge line up it has and the very famous acts which perform there, this years line up consists of over 30 DJ'S which play dance music to the huge crowds which travel there to see them, therefore I used this leeds festival hype as a way of drawing in the public to buy the magazine and read more about the line up which was being revealed.

Another way in which I attracted the audience was to add a small competition whih would appeal to the age group 16-24. By adding this in I feel like it would pay off loads considering that the chance to win free tickets to the 'BIGGEST DANCE FESTIVAL OF 2014' woudl appeal to people my age as tickets these days are very expensive therefore by addign this competition in you are almost bribing the audience.

As well as revealing the leeds festival line up I also decided to include more line ups to that if the reader wanted more information on what other dance festivals were out there they could use this magazine as an oppotunity to learn about the other line ups and to decide which festival they would want to go to. I also added in a 'FREE POSTER', although I havent identified which poster it is or who it is of, this would make the reader want to browse through the magazine to find out, and if they like the poster then they would buy the magazine, also IU feel like this is something which is very popular in your modern day teen mags, and as this is my target audience I decided to add it into mine.